Boris Backs The Bathroom Label

23/08/2010 | When the Mayor of London speaks a lot of people listen and in his recent pronouncement Boris Johnson pleased members of the BMA with his unrestrained support for the Water Efficient Product Labelling Scheme. His support came in the recently published Draft Water Strategy for London. In the draft, which is out for public consultation, the Mayor "welcomes the Bathroom Manufacturers Association's introduction of voluntary labelling scheme for water efficient bathroom products." The draft talks about Londoners needing "proper water efficiency labelling of household appliances at the point of sale," and goes on to say that "the Mayor would support the introduction of a national scheme with a water efficiency ranking system that is clear for consumers". Support from such a powerful advocate of all things eco gives the BMA's WEPLS a welcome boost following its recent upgrade. "When our water efficiency labelling scheme was launched it was regarded as a breakthrough," commented Yvonne Orgill, chief executive of the BMA. "It is now in its third year of operation and is growing fast to become the national standard. With its easily recognised label it is regarded as the database of choice for government and NGOs." The scheme has been expanded to list stockists of water efficient products and more bathroom showrooms will be added in coming months. More details are available at www.water-efficiencylabel.org.uk/ or from 01782 747123

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